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- xPack V1.5 - English Manual
- C:xPack
- xPack is a command line interface to the XPK compression library.
- It was made to enable you to pack (or unpack) many files quickly
- and comfortably, exspecially for use with the "XFH-Handler".
- xPack needs OS 2.04 or newer.
- Main features:
- - supports patterns
- - can scan complete directory trees
- - protection flags, filenote and date of the files are NOT changed
- - packed files won't be repacked by default
- For more details about XPK read the documentation supplied.
- FILE: You can supply as many files, directories or patterns
- as you want.
- METHOD: the compression algorithm to be used
- MINSIZE: All files which are smaller than this value (in bytes)
- won't be crunched (default 512 bytes).
- SUFFIX: add/remove supplied suffix if packing/unpacking
- PASSWORD: optional Password for encryption (or decryption)
- ALL: scan through directory trees
- FORCE: Files will be packed even if they're already XPK
- packed and/or their size increases.
- PROGRAM: pack only executables (e.g. for xLoadSeg)
- XSCAN: create filenotes for fast directory access with XFH
- (like "xScan")
- LOSSY: permit lossy packing
- QUIET: No progress report is printed while packing.
- Examples:
- or
- xPack Docs/#?.doc METHOD IMPL.40 SUFFIX .xpk MINSIZE 1024
- or
- xPack Secret.txt METHOD ENCO PASSWORD Joshua
- or (Decrunch)
- xPack Archive/#?.xpk Archive/#?.pp QUIET
- XPKSmart 1.0
- - first internal Release
- xSmart 1.0
- - program renamed on a request by Urban "XPK" Müller
- - progress display fits better in the CLI window now
- - check for increase of size by packing with XPK implemented
- xPack 1.0
- - program renamed again on a request by Urban "XPK" Müller
- - "FORCE", "PASSWORD" and "SUFFIX" argument implemented
- - file handling changed, slower but more secure
- - removed Enforcer hit
- xPack 1.1
- - no problems with WShell anymore
- - if xPack is started with OS 1.3 a message is printed instead of
- displaying a recoverable Alert
- xPack 1.2
- - added "PROGRAM" parameter
- - suffixes may be removed while unpacking
- xPack 1.3
- - wasted my time with a special function for handling ILBM-files
- - added "QUIET" parameter
- - "FORCE" is switched on automatically if a password is supplied.
- xPack 1.4
- - changed "FILE/M" to "FILE/M/A" in template
- - added "XSCAN" and "LOSSY" parameter
- xPack 1.5
- - "LOSSY" always active in 1.4
- xPack is free to be spread on public-domain and shareware disks as
- long as they are sold for a reasonable charge that is less than $6.
- This applies not to Fred Fish, he and ONLY he can take more money.
- For use in commercial products the permission of the author is
- required.
- Matthias Scheler
- Schützenstraße 18
- D-4799 Borchen
- InterNet: tron@uni-paderborn.de
- FidoNet: Matthias Scheler@2:247/600.10